The one consumer decision most people make which impacts the greatest on the environment is the choice of car we drive.
Hybrid Cars offer drivers an innovative, efficient, and affordable option. After years of 'on the road' development, gas-electric hybrid cars have become a practical choice for consumers.
A hybrid car features a small fuel-efficient gas engine combined with an electric motor that assists the engine when accelerating. The electric motor is powered by batteries that recharge automatically while you drive.
There are two types of gasoline-electric hybrid cars: the parallel hybrid and the series hybrid. In a parallel hybrid car, a gasoline engine and an electric motor work together to move the car forward, while in a series hybrid the gasoline engine either directly powers an electric motor that powers the vehicle or charges batteries that will power the motor.
Hybrid cars also gain efficiency from:
- Smaller and more efficient engines.
- Regenerative braking - the electric motor that drives the hybrid can also slow the car. In this mode, the electric motor acts as a generator and charges the batteries while the car is slowing down.
- Periodic engine shut off - when a hybrid car is stopped in traffic, the engine is - temporarily shut off. It restarts automatically when put back into gear.
- Advanced aerodynamics - to reduce drag
- Low-rolling resistance (LLR) tires - narrow, stiffer tires have less drag
- Lightweight materials - increases the efficiency of hybrid cars.
These gas-electric hybrid cars are now available in North America:
1. Honda Civic Hybrid
2. Saturn Aura Hybrid
3. Toyota Prius
4. Toyota Camry Hybrid
5. Nissan Altima Hybrid
6. Honda Insight Hybrid
7. Ford Fusion Hybrid
8. Ford Escape Hybrid SUV
9. Lexus 250h Hybrid
10. Lexus 450h Hybrid SUV
11. Toyota Highlander Hybrid SUV
12. Mercury Mariner Hybrid SUV
13. Mazda Tribute compact SUV
by eartheasy
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